Rebecca Carroll, RYT 500 hours

Rebecca’s many certifications and trainings in the Healing Arts include: 1) the GreenTREE Yoga Trauma-informed Yoga teacher certification; and 2) the Soul of Yoga Sound Institute.  She is the Assistant Director of the Soul of Yoga Sound Institute. 

Healing work is a True Love in her life. To learn more about Rebecca’s programs and to contact her for a class or training:

Rebecca uses Sound Healing, Breath, Movement, Energy, Spirit and more in her work as a Healer and a Teacher to uncover the Light, Life and Joy that exists within all of humanity.  Rebecca's offerings arise from and are offered in her Knowing that each of us are Beings of Light with a Birthright to Wholeness, Peace, and Joy; that All that we need is here on the earth and inside of our Bodies, waiting to be seen, heard and received, and that LIFE is a Magnificent Gift.

Listen to the sounds of Sound Healing:

Contact Rebecca for private sessions (remote or in person) or trainings.